Telecommunication Maintenance Services

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Operations and maintenance section will provide maintenance for communication devices and equipment that includes the following: 

Installation of new telephone units/lines


Transfer/relocation of extension lines

Telephone units repair

Replace defective telephone unit

Pull Out

Service Cancellation



During Working Hours: 

Employees can fill-up Service Request Form found on e-Forms.

You may dial our Communications Maintenance Helpdesk  at extension12345 anytime during working hours to follow up the said request.

Caller's Name:

Badge Number:

Department Name:

Nature of Request: 


* The above information will be used to meet the requirements needed in doing the maintenance procedure and Service Request. 

Note: Your request will be immediately processed as soon as our department received it. The workflow will depend on the availability of the technicians, and materials needed on the request. The caller will be informed if the said procedure is pending and will be notified after the work is completed. 

Telecommunications Maintenance Service Flowchart